DCA’s Blue Sky Cellar opens to the public on Monday. It’s a preview center for what’s to come in Phase I of “Operation Fix DCA”, a four-year, 1.2 billion dollar damage-control salvage mission.

It’s clear that a lot of time, money, and energy went into this plan…and yet the whole lame-o California theme, outside views to Anaheim, outdoor queues, outdoor attractions, and Paradise Pier area remain. These are fundamental problems that can’t be addressed with a simple makeover.
It’s kind of like getting plastic surgery. No matter how many times you go under the knife you’re probably still an ugly person deep down inside!
I’d kind of prefer to see them just tear the whole place down and start from scratch. I’m kind of a jerk though.
I should just admit I’ll never be happy with whatever they build unless it’s a west coast version of Epcot.