Last weekend we had our five year anniversary, so to celebrate we went to Burning Man!
Haha, just kidding. Me at Burning Man! Could you imagine such a thing? Hahaha! Give me a second to catch my breath. I’m such a character. Hoooo! Okay.
We actually went down to spend a night in San Diego! (We left Kate with Tammy’s parents.)
Downtown San Diego is so great. I love visiting whenever we find ourselves with a free weekend…and redeemable Starwood points, of course! It kills me to spend money on vacations, so trading in Tammy’s points for free hotel rooms is the ideal solution!
Downtown San Diego is only a two hour drive from home so I feel like we’re able to get away without really getting too far away. It’s easy to get around, it’s clean, and the best part of all – no homeless people! San Diego must be the only beach city in southern California without homeless people. I don’t know how they do it.
We stayed at the W and had dinner at Salvatore’s.

Before we left we went to check out the Festival of Sail, a tall ship extravaganza that took place along the Embarcadero.

I’m so happy to be married to this lady. She’s such a good wife and a really tremendous mother. It was fun having her all to myself for a day or two. It reminded me of the days BK (before Kate). These days are pretty good too, but they involve a lot more work. 🙂
We went on boats!

My parents had their 40th wedding anniversary the very next day, so my brother and I surprised them with an engraved champagne bucket, a bottle of Dom, a fancy dinner at Noe, and a limo at their front door to take us all to and from dinner.
Here’s me and the missus, toasting like royalty in the limo on the way back.