An illustrated guide to the Seven Stages of Martini Madness, brought to you by Modern Drunkard Magazine.
Month: September 2004
Sit home and watch TV Friday night. The SciFi channel is airing all four seasons of Farscape (88 episodes) – leading up to the premiere of The Peacekeeper Wars on October 17th. The mega marathon starts tomorrow at 8AM ET/PT, so set your Tivos! Also! The next season of Degrassi starts tomorrow night on The…
When I first read about the TrafficGauge, they were only testing it in the Seattle area, and I longed for a southern California version. I guess the testing went well, because an LA/OC version is now available! The device itself is $80 – I’d say that’s a fair price. But the cool factor ends there….
FutureMark released 3DMark 05 today – the ultimate Windows benchmarking tool for hardcore gamers. It also looks and sounds beautiful.
You know that shiny new DVD Star Wars Trilogy you bought a few days ago? Well apparently it was rushed to you just as quickly as you rushed to buy it. The entire musical soundtrack is actually REVERSED in the two rear channels. Star Wars seems to be the only movie affected; Empire and Jedi…
I spent the weekend in Palm Desert (Indian Wells, actually) at my buddy Steve‘s bachelor party. We all had a great time. Saturday we played golf, something I haven’t done in…oh…about 10 years I’d say. I’m glad we didn’t keep score. Today I am lightly sunburned and so sore that it hurts to grip my…
When I first heard about Sony deliberately planning to not include MP3 support in its “iPod Killer” in favor of ATRAC3, I wanted to grab the closest available Sony employee and shake them until their arms fell off. Finally someone in Japan has seen the light. Native mp3 playback is coming to the VGF-AP1 and…
Just when Firefox was really getting awesome, Google has to come and screw everything up! Firefox, the Mozilla Suite, Opera, and Safari. Do we really need another alternative browser? I say no! Firefox is hitting its stride now – don’t you dare take that away, Google! ARGH.
The Team America trailer is now online!
A new president, a fast-approaching 50th birthday, and a decade of neglect have all conspired to put Disneyland through one of the most extensive park-wide refurbishment efforts ever. The latest photo tour at MiceAge tells the story. You can’t go two steps without seeing painters and carpenters hard at work somewhere in the park; tarps…