Jabber support is coming to Trillian! FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this for like…a year or something! Check out the Trillian Developers’ Journal for more info.
Month: April 2003
Rocky’s Boots from the Learning Company turns 21 this year. I played that thing all the time. It’s probably still fun, even today. 21 years is a long time!
According to this quiz on a scale of 0 to 100 where 0 is liberal and 100 is conservative, I’m a 12 which was pretty shocking. Yet according to this quiz I’m more of a centrist: I’m probably somewhere on the border.
I forgot to register for E3 this year. I can’t go now. They’re a lot of work anyway. Also, that cold sore never materialized. I think it was just a paper cut.
Woah. I think I’m getting a cold sore on my lip. I never get cold sores! I think the last one I had was in 2001 or something. I did have part of a Subway sandwich platter for lunch though…that might have something to do with it…
Don’t forget, today’s the day to register for the Pirates Movie Event. I signed Tammy and I up for package C, and I’m already starting to feel like I got ripped off. We’ll know for sure in July if I did!
Mario Kart is coming to GameCube, and here are the screenshots to prove it!
DUDE! BEST CAR COMMERCIAL EVER!!! Here’s the story behind it.
We spent Easter at Tammy’s parents’. That afternoon we went on a little hike in the hills behind their house. We also looked for and found another Geocache!
If you’re one of those weirdos who uses web-based email (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc) as a primary point of contact, you might find Web2POP to be a handy little tool.